Dr. Christian Freudenberg
“Very cooperative despite tough dispute”, competitor, JUVE 2023/2024

Dr. Christian Freudenberg, born 1967 in Hagen, studied law at the Ruhr University, Bochum. Thereafter, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Rostock and the University of Hagen.
He has been admitted to practise law in 1997. Since 2006, he is listed as a certified specialist in intellectual property law. From 1998 to 2000 he was Director of Business Affairs at edel music AG. Since 2001, he has been working as an attorney, joining a business law practice spezialising in media and advertising law as partner in 2002. From 2012 to 2020 he has been working with a multi-disciplinary commercial law firm. He joined ZENK as a partner in October 2020.
Dr. Christian Freudenberg is an experienced specialist in intellectual property law, specializing in trademark law, design law and competition law. He also specializes in copyright law, civil procedure law and the review and drafting of license and cooperation agreements.